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We are an Irish dance troupe in Jersey Channel Islands.
We create bespoke performances tailored to you requirements for your event.
We have performed at a variety of Corporate  and charity events such as the NSPCC Emerald isle ball, Jersey rugby club London Irish V Jersey match event and the GAA 25th anniversary ball.
In 2019 we performed live at The Outside Track's Show.
We have also performed at many Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries and confirmation celebrations.


ciara bio.jpg

I have been dancing for over 20 years  and I have fond memories of dancing as a toddler in my mothers Irish dance classes at Cannon O'Rafferty.


As i became older and went into full time work and I realised how so many of us fall out of our hobbies and passions. After many discussions with Jula and contacting dancers we had danced alongside for many years Celtic Storm was born.


My favourite part of Celtic storm is creating shows and performances for everyone to see.


My most memorable performance with Celtic storm was the NSPCC Emerald isle ball. The setting in Trinity Manor was so beautiful and it was our first performance as Celtic Storm. I seen the joy and excitement from the girls as the hours of rehearsals became worth it and the crowd roaring was spectacular.


I have been dancing for over 20 years, and can't imagine my life without it.


After dreaming about this with Ciara, we decided to set up Celtic Storm, to allow dancers who have trained for all those years and are still passionate to get the opportunity to entertain people.


As an added bonus, we have all grown up together, meaning the girls are like a second family.


My most memorable performance with Celtic Storm was our first St Patricks Eve Party in 2019. We pulled off a sold out show, and seeing the audience get really involved and have a great night made it all so worth it. I really love performing, and am so grateful that this gives us the chance to carry on.


I have been Irish dancing for over 18 years. When I’m not dancing I’m a full time nanny to two gorgeous little girls. My hobbies are surfing, painting, going to the gym and walking my dog. 


I love performing with Celtic Storm because the group is amazing, all the girls are so supportive and friendly. 


To me Celtic storm is my dance family as we have all been dancing with each for years. My favourite performance would be St Patrick’s day 2020 as it was fantastic! 


All the girls dancing amazingly and we all had great fun with our family and friends who where there to support us on our night!


My cousin Danielle and I were two of the first pupils of the Canon O'Rafferty School of Irish Dance (COR). I started Irish dancing when I was 4 years old, although I'm sure it was just a bit of shuffling around the room at that point! I joined Celtic Storm when I was 25.


I work in the finance industry and like to keep myself busy in the evenings playing Netball and Basketball. I have loved being part of Celtic Storm! It's been so lovely to reunite with girls from my dance past and to form a dance troupe where we can create exciting performances showcasing our skills learnt from the many years of training with COR. My favourite performance to date, has to be our first St Patrick's Day show in 2019. The nerves beforehand, the energy during and the buzz afterwards ... it was an amazing night and the first time my family had seen me dance in many years!


Growing up in an Irish family I was always ‘trying’ to Irish dance as a little girl, so at the age of 7 I started proper lessons, from doing shows, competitions as well as classes and workshops it has taught me life long skills to become the dancer I am today and allowing me to join Celtic storm.

 I attend ‘Italia Conti Academy of theatre arts’ in London training in a 3 year musical theatre course. Although I’m in my third year of training and unable to attend Celtic Storm classes and participate in events, I still love to watch and practice all the things they are learning and training for. 

My favourite memory with Celtic storm was the NSPCC Emerald Isle ball as it was our first event as a group and started off the first of many memories with Celtic storm and I will never forget the excitement and positivity we received from everyone.


I started Irish dancing at around 8 years old and was involved in numerous competitions, I then took a break to focus on my studies and  In 2019 I decided I wanted to start dancing again so I joined Celtic Storm. 


I work as a graphic designer and when I’m not dancing I’m usually drawing, with my dogs or seeing friends. 


After not dancing for quite a few years I was really excited to discover Celtic Storm had been formed, I’d realised as an adult how important it was for me to include Irish culture into my life and it’s a bonus that the girls were all so lovely and welcoming!


My first performance was our St Patrick’s Day Show 2020 and it was an amazing evening. 


I first started Irish dancing at the age of around 6 but only for a year or two. I picked it up again a few years ago whilst at university in Leeds and have loved it ever since!


I recently returned home to Jersey and work as a civil engineer. As well as dancing, I am also a part of the Jersey Women’s Cricket team and love to bake.


At uni, I did a few dance shows and I was really glad to discover this dance troupe to be able continue dancing with a lovely group of girls and I am really looking forward to performing for St. Patrick’s Day!


I have been dancing since the age of 5 and started Irish dancing at the age of 8.


I had a break to attend the University of Brighton to complete a teaching course. I am currently a Maths teacher and going into my 6th year of teaching in September 2020 and taking on the role of Head of Maths.


As well as Irish dancing, I also enjoy running and going to the gym.


I really enjoy the social aspect of Celtic Storm and my most memorable performances have been the two Celtic Storm St Patrick’s Day shows, both great nights to be remembered!


I have loved Irish Dance for as long as I can remember. I started at the age of 9, first with the Shaw-Butler studio in Johannesburg and now with Cannon O’Rafferty mainly focusing on competitions.

I moved to Jersey from South Africa in late 2021 to study law at the Institute of Law Jersey, and am gradually getting used to life on the island.

Besides dancing, I also play the flute and am a volunteer with the Saint John Ambulance and a local Scout troop. 

I very much enjoy being part of Celtic Storm, and can hardly wait for my first performance at the 2022 St. Patrick’s Day.

Sat 19th Celtic Storm Performance-106_ed

Are you over 21 & an Irish Dancer ?


We are a friendly Irish Dance troupe who perform at events all over the Island.


We are always looking for new dancers to join us and we would love to hear from you!


Contact us to find out more information. 

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